In my house Sundays are usually all about fun, and Mondays are all about getting back to business. The thing is that this particular Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving, meaning that this weekend has quickly turned into a massive gluttony-fest. Monday will mark my 3rd Thanksgiving meal in 4 days... Not. Good.
As I sit here resting my laptop on my huge protruding holiday belly, I think about the fact that Thanksgiving is the only holiday that is literally about celebrating food. Think about it, the symbols for Christmas are the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus, and Mistletoe, (yes, and baby Jesus). Easter? Well, then we have the Easter Bunny, and Easter Baskets (yes, and grown up Jesus). St. Valentine’s has hearts and roses, and New Years day has resolutions... But Thanksgiving? The main symbol is a freakin’ Cornucopia! Yes, a symbol of food and abundance!

And with that, I bid my skinny jeans a fond adieu, farewell, and rest well in my closet... For at least the next two weeks... While I work off my dear, beloved, Thanksgiving Cornu-bloat-ia.
Anyhoo... I don’t mean to pop into your Thanksgiving fun, and ruin it for you or anything – I’m actually here to help!!
Starting Tuesday, (See?! This happens in the land of later!), I am going on a two week “cleanse” diet! And, because I love sharing so much, I’m going to post the rules and parameters for following this cleanse here for you in just a few hours! This way you can follow along if you like, (C’mon, just do it!), and maybe shed a few pounds, feel a lot lighter, and get a nourished “glow”.
The great thing about this particular way to cleanse is that it isn’t about liquids or shakes or supplements. It’s not a starvation diet, and it isn’t even unhealthy in any way whatsoever. Actually, in a perfect world, this “cleanse” would actually be how I ate all the time... If I weren’t a flawed human being whose culinary true love is Pizza. That being said, eating this way for two weeks, and noticing how good it makes you feel will hopefully encourage you (and me) to eat more healthfully more often. I consider it kind of a jumpstart to get back on track with my nutritional goals.
So check back here Monday afternoon (tomorrow!) for the big unveiling of:
The Two Week
Cleanse Challenge!!
PS: This cleanse will also work phenomenally well in conjunction with my 30 Week Light on Yoga Primary Series Asana Challenge!!! (I’m just sayin’!)
See you back here Monday afternoon... And 'til Tuesday, Happy eating!
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