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My Blog Evolution
Welcome to my blog!
I have a whole lot of ever-evolving passions for the wonderful things in this world! As a personal trainer and aspiring yogi I wanted a place to share my perspective on health, fitness, yoga, food, and the pursuit of eternal happiness!
That said, it only made sense to get a blog going where I can just chat about all things that my busy brain thinks about, and the things that I have been lucky enough to get to experience... And so Charmed Chatter is born!!!
Quieting the Chatter
Chatter Chasers
Blog Archive
- What I Really Need are my Bare Feet on a Sticky Ma...
- My Flowtastic Yoga Tunes List!
- I Am... A Recovering Know It All.
- How to Start (and Keep) a Home Yoga Practice: The ...
- With My Own Two Hands
- YUM! It's Super-Delicious Cleanse-Friendly Buttern...
- Week 3 and 4 - Primary Series Asana Challenge!
- YAY! It's Cleanse Friendly Chili!
- Which is Better for You? Yoga or Weight Training?!
- Delicious Recipes and Strategies that Meet (and he...
- The Two Week Feel Good Cleanse Challenge!
- C’mon and Do This Cleanse with Me... You Will Than...
- A Few Self-Loving Thoughts on a Lovely Sunday...
- Yoga Challenge Week 1 and 2 - Primary Series Asanas
- Asana Primary Series - Yoga Pose Challenge Forewor...
- B.K.S. Iyengar's "Light on Yoga" - Primary Series ...
- Yog-ahhhh-ahhhh-CHOO!!!!
- Yoga: The New Snow Plough for the Blizzards in My ...
The debate rages on over whether to have music or not have music in yoga class. It's a sensitive topic, because like any other art music is completely subjective. One persons noise is another persons symphony. In fact, funny enough, one of my best friends told me while chatting the other day that one of her instructors played AC/DC in her hot flow class and she "...JUST LOVED IT!!!!" Where, conversely, I would just not be impressed with hard rock getting me all out of my personal ebb and flow in flow class...
So, this is my list of Flowtastic Yoga Tunes, to ideally accompany a 75 minute flow/vinyasa/Ashtanga Style class. You will notice there is only about 70 minutes of music, and this is because I think that it's important to have silence during my Savasana. When the instructors turn the tunes off at the end, I find it's much easier to sit and absorb my practice, and once I'm instructing next spring I fully plan to have a Silent-Savasana after every practice I lead!
Now, without further adieu....
When I was a child I was always being called a “Know it All”. This at the time was really fine, because I really did think I knew it all. I was happy with being such a genius actually, and so I continued with this “I know it all” attitude for a long time. The funny thing about time is all the stuff you find out you were wrong about during its passing.
- When you are going to try something new and you go in with an open mind and open heart, people will generally want you to succeed. When you go in as the know it all, people want you to be proven wrong – because you usually are wrong.
- When you try and fail, it is perfectly okay! People in your circle will comfort you, and try to help you to do better. As opposed to wanting to tell you “I told you so.” (Then secretly “high fiving” themselves in their minds!)
- When you want to learn you will find teachers all around you. Teachers love to share. They do not, however, want to force anyone to learn. (They also don’t want to argue!)
- When you don’t know everything, it means you can never be bored, because there is always something new to find out about, and life is much more exciting this way. The older I get, the duller being “perfect” looks.
Smiles and laughter! Great site, and great classes filmed in great locations. You are able to download and save full classes for $3.99, or pay $9.99 per month for unlimited yoga. This site also has a free feature class every week! Another site with downloadable classes, and monthly memberships starting at $6.95 a month!
- A yoga mat (to cushion your hands and feet, and to stick to you and the floor so you don’t slip)
- A yoga strap (to help with stretching and increasing flexibility in a gentle way)
- Yoga blocks (again to help ease the poses so that you grow into your practice gently)
The house I was brought up in for the majority of my childhood and adolescence was the second of houses designed and built by my dad. But, not only was the house designed and build by him, the electrical, the plumbing, the flooring, the cabinets and heck, today even the kitchen table is built by him!
Yes, this is a picture of my soup! |
1 teaspoon of celery seed
1 teaspoon of parsley
The first two weeks have gone amazingly well, and so has my studio practice. With the help of my awesome instructors and my amazing massage therapist I am slowly starting to recover from a series of right hamstring injuries, and my flexibility is increasing dramatically now.
I actually took the photos for the new poses featured in this post before beginning this challenge - and since dedicating myself to this extra little bit of "homework" I have to say that already I notice a huge difference in my expression of the poses! It's so exciting, and I can't wait to shoot the next poses for weeks 5 to 8 now, and visually see the difference!
If you would like to see the poses for weeks 1 and 2 please click here!
Please ensure to listen to and respect your body, and always continue to take deep even breaths, both in and out throughout all the poses. Breath is one of the most important elements in yoga, so if you are not able to breathe smoothly, in and out, ease out of the pose a little.
Here we go!
Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute on each side.
My hip needs to be lower, as I'm not quite in one straight line as shown right. This means I need more flexibility in my hips and hamstrings. That's okay, I'm working on it. The goal is to do it how you are able to comfortably and work towards more opening and expression!
Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute on each side.
3) Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I
5) Parivrtta Trikonasana - Revolved Triangle Pose
In this pose you should have your front foot straight and your back foot at about a 45 degree angle. You should continue to have the hips squared to the front and twist through the torso, opening your chest.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side.
6) Parsvottanasana - Head to Knee Pose
7) Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Legged Forward Bend
Here, you can see that my lower back is not completely level, and this indicates that I have less flexibility on one side. I'm working on it!
In the book Iyengar has his head resting on the floor, but instead you can just bend forward at the hips to where ever you feel comfortable, keeping your hands on your hips if you can not yet place them on the floor.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute.
Hold this pose for 2-10 minutes.
(Or longer if you can or want to, it is up to you! They say that this is one of the most difficult poses to master as it means being still for a long period of time!).
Hopefully, you have really enjoyed the first two weeks of the 30 Week Primary Series Asana Challenge, and I hope that you equally enjoy the second part! If you have questions, or comments, I would love to hear them!
Here is another fabulous, easy, time-friendly and mouth gratifying recipe for all you cleansers out there, and for anyone else looking to add a healthy little ditty to their culinary repertoire! (If you like, you may use beef to make regular chili, or no meat and double the beans for a vegetarian chili... Works well with any of these!)
Last words of Kit Carson, American frontiersman (1809-1868)
- About a pound of ground chicken – I prefer to grind my own meat using my KitchenAid MixMaster with their Meat Grinder attachment (shown right). If you do a lot of cooking or baking, I HIGHLY recommend investing in one of these little babies. I loooooove mine!
- About a cup of chopped peppers – Red, Green, Yellow, some hot, whatever kind you like!
- A cup of chopped mushrooms
- Half a red onion, and half a white onion, diced
- 3-5 cloves of garlic, crushed
- A cup and a half of all natural salsa (I use Pace chunky)
- A can of mixed beans (chick peas, black beans, lentils etc) but NOT marinated!
- A can of deep browned beans in tomato sauce - Yes these have a little sugar in them, but in the grand scheme of things it’s no biggie!
- A tablespoon of Cumin
- A tablespoon of Chili powder
- A tablespoon of Cayenne
- A teaspoon of pepper
- A tablespoon of Franks Red Hot or Sriracha Hot Sauce (optional if you like it really hot)
- A can of corn (optional)
Mix everything together in a big cast iron pan (if you have one, this is the preferred pan for making chilli – it will taste better) or a big pot on the stove, and cook on medium for about an hour, stirring every so often. Yes it’s that simple!

- 1 week with 2 days of weight training, 2 days of doing yoga, and 1 day of doing a fast paced exercise like interval training, plyometrics, running, or a boot-camp, or playing volleyball or soccer.
- 1 week doing 3 days of weight training, 2 days of doing a fast paced exercise like interval training, plyometrics, running, or a boot-camp, or a dance class, or soccer, and an additional 4 days with a short home practice of yoga.
- 1 week of 1 day of full body weight training, 2 days of doing yoga, and 2 days of doing a fast paced exercise like interval training, running, or plyometrics, a boot-camp, or a dance class, or soccer.

As we speak, or I should say as I type, I am enjoying what tastes like a scrumptious dessert for breakfast! It's made of the following:
- 1/3 of a cup of stone ground oats (with no additives)
- 1 tsp of ground flax seed
- 1 tsp of sunflower honey (but any natural no additive honey will do!)
- 2 slices of frozen peaches (right outta the bag)
- water
For lunches, while on the cleanse I like to try and stick to soups. Once you make a huge pot of soup it is quick, available, easy, chocked full of veggies, and good for the digestive system too! Since it was just thanksgiving, I made the hearty turkey soup that I previously posted in my blog here. However, I added a cup of cauliflower to the mix and omitted the salt. Once all the turkey soup is eaten, I plan to share an amazing butternut squash soup!
Keeping a dozen hard boiled eggs in the fridge ready to add to salads, or to snack on, or to have for breakfast with some fruit is another super-easy, inexpensive way to stick on track.
For tonight's dinner I'm making a delicious recipe:
Chicken with Spiced Wild Rice and Garlic Broccoli and Cauliflower
Chicken: On a baking rack in a tray place your chicken breasts and dust the tops with rosemary, basil, ad garlic powder. I cook my chicken breasts in my toaster oven (it keeps them moist and browns them better!) on "toast" at the highest temperature for 15 minutes, then I flip them over and spice the other side and cook for another 15 minutes. SHAZZAM! So easy!
Spiced Wild Rice: In a pot on the stove, place a cup and a half of wild rice, add 1 diced up red onion, 1 clove of crushed garlic, a cup of chicken broth (purchase the low-salt variety), and then add water until the mixture is covered with 1 inch of water (I also like to add a 1/2 teaspoon of crushed chilies!). Cover. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium stirring frequently. Once all the liquid is almost gone (about 30 minutes) reduce heat to low and continue to stir frequently. Once it is all evaporated, uncover and let stand for 5 minutes.
Garlic Broccoli ad Cauliflower: In non-stick pan add a 1/4 cup of water, one cup of chopped broccoli and one cup of chopped cauliflower. Cover and simmer on medium high heat for about 5 minutes. Then, drain water, return to stove, add one tablespoon of olive oil, pepper to taste, and one or two cloves of crushed garlic. (As you can tell I love garlic ridiculously much) Sauté til tender (to your taste) about another 4 minutes.
Serve all the above with a little sea-salt if you like, pepper, and lemon slices or lemon juice. DEEEEELICIOUS!

- Refined Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup (and other foods with unnecessary added sugars)
- Sugar Substitutes (like aspartame)
- Adding a lot of salt (I will still sometimes use a little sea-salt myself)
- Pre-Made foods (like TV dinners, sauces, anything with a bunch of ingredients that you can’t pronounce and have no idea what they are)
- Dairy products
- Wheat
- Beef and Pork
- Coffee (unless you drink it black – if not trade it for green tea and organic honey)
- Soft Drinks
- Alcohol
- Definitely drink as much water as possible, and water with lemon is even better!
Meat options:
- Eggs
- Fish
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Artichokes (think dark green veggies)
- Beans and Lentils
- Spinach, Romaine and Red Lettuce
- Beets
- Cauliflower
- Onions and Garlic
- Brightly Coloured Veggies
- Squash
- Berries, especially blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries
- Plums
- Bananas
- Grapefruit, Lemons and Limes
- Brown and Wild Rice
- Quinoa
- Barley
- Stone Ground Oats
- Flax Seeds
- Unsalted Pumpkin Seeds or Sunflower Seeds
- Almonds
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Use any herbs and spices as much as you like, just check the label on mixed spices for preservatives and added salt!
- Use Olive Oil for cooking
- Nut Butters are permitted (but not Peanut Butter)
- Use Udo’s Choice oil or Flax Seed Oil outside of cooking