Charmed Chatter

The musings of a Personal Trainer/Foodie, en route to adding Yoga Teacher to the mix!

I love living in the city. The convenience of having, well, every convenience available right in your vicinity?! It's awesome. Run of out dishwasher detergent in the evening and you are having friends over for breakfast first thing? Walmart is still open. Have a sushi craving at 10pm? Mikado (or insert your sushi restaurant here) is waiting for you right up the way. Whatever you want, it is somewhere in the city.

That said, if you live in the city, you must (and I mean MUST) make time to leave the city, let's say - for at least an entire day (12 hrs) every month, in order to remind yourself how unnecessary all those things I mentioned above really are. Now, it doesn't really matter which city you live in this country, if you drive for an hour or two you will be well out of your city, and into something truly beautiful... Nature. Whether it's wide open wheat fields with big skies, lakes or rivers out in the woods, beaches, you name it, spending time appreciating the simple beauty in nature opens up our minds and spirits in a way that nothing else can.

I feel incredibly lucky that for me, driving for a couple hours outside of Edmonton puts me into the mountains... Because I gotta say, I love me some mountains! This lovely long weekend me and the hubby decided to hop in the car to check out an area in the Kootenays in Alberta, Nordegg - so today we went! When you decide to leave town, it doesn't have to be a big fancy thing... All you need is a car and some gas and there is plenty to explore out there. We left this morning at 9am, and we got back in at 7... We hiked, and drove, and enjoyed the day. It was awesome. I end this night refreshed, with a million beautiful memories that make me appreciate life so much. Here's some more of what we saw!


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