Charmed Chatter

The musings of a Personal Trainer/Foodie, en route to adding Yoga Teacher to the mix!

Well, lets get caught up in a nutshell for anyone who stumbles upon this and doesn't know me!

In the last six months I've experienced a whole lot of change, and to say "a whole lot" is probably an understatement! I've turned 30, changed professions, and gotten married... In addition to adding a couple big hobbies that are now huge parts of my life (that I have plans to pursue professionally): photography and yoga! Slap that all onto the fact that I have a gazillion existing hobbies and interests and you have yourself... A big mess of a whole bunch of everything, a.k.a, ME, Robyn Chubey!

This blog will be the chronicling of my journey to devolop the big lot of random skills I have accumulated over the years in the hopes of finding the magic formula to employ them all in my life on a regular basis... Balance you say?! This is my search!!!

Check back in to see what I'm diving into - you will never know what to expect!!! (Hell, I don't even know!!!) Wish me luck!


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